Dictuc / Unidades / Biotecnología Ambiental / Investigación y Desarrollo / Proyectos de investigación históricos

FONDECYT 1181326 (2018-2021). Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Surface Texturing by Multi-Techniques as Sustainable Biofilm Control in Cu-Ni Alloys Exposed to Seawater. Co-investigador.
SEED-FUND UC-TU Freiberg (2017). “Biofilms of acidophiles and their applications in material sciences and industry” Co-investigador.
ONR-G N62909 (2017-2019). Microbial dynamics and its influence on the development of a corrosive biofilm over stainless steel surfaces exposed to marine conditions. Investigador principal.
FONDECYT 1160917 (2016-2019). Characterization of Perchlorate Occurrence in Chilean Urban and Natural Settings and Development of Sustainable Biological Treatment Systems for its Control. Investigador principal.
FONDECYT 1150357 (2015-2018). Towards A More Sustainable Control of Corrosion And Biofilm Growth On Copper Surfaces Through Laser Patterning: A Multi-Technique Evaluation. Co-Investigador.
GROW NSF-CONICYT (2014-2015). N°GROW130002. Exploration of Microbial Ecology in an Anode of a Microbial Fuel Cell Treating Undiluted Synthetic Human Waste. Investigador patrocinante.
SEED-FUND ND-PUC (2013-2015). Enhanced Perchlorate Reduction Using Microbial Isolates From Extreme Environments In Chile. Este proyecto busca desarrollar soluciones biotecnológicas sustentables para distintas matrices contaminadas con perclorato en Chile. Investigador Responsable
PROYECTO VRI INTERDISCIPLINA PUC Nº01/2013 (2013-2014). “Estudio preliminar de aplicabilidad de polímeros conductores para mitigar la biocorrosión de infraestructura marina”. Coordinador del proyecto.
FONDECYT POSTDOCTORADO (2013-2015). “Evaluación del potencial de tratamiento de aguas contaminadas con drenaje ácido de mina, a través de comunidades microbianas ácido-tolerantes en sistemas bioelectroquímicos energéticamente sustentables”. Investigador patrocinante
FONDECYT 11110112 (2011-2013). Evaluation of the Electrochemical Activity of Microbial Communities in Contaminated Sediments and Extreme Environments by the Combination of Molecular Tools, Electron Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and In-situ Geochemical Characterization. Principal Investigator.
FONDECYT 1110440 (2011-2013). Evaluation of biofilm effects on corrosion of copper drinking water distributions systems through mathematical modeling, molecular biology, surface characterization, electrochemistry, and hydrodynamic experiments. Co-Investigator.